Oklahoma Headache Center Oklahoma's first and
only comprehensive
headache center.
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Welcome to the Oklahoma Headache Center

The Oklahoma Headache Center is the state's sole comprehensive facility for treating headaches and facial pain. We collaborate with various healthcare specialists to offer personalized care for patients dealing with headache or facial pain disorders. Our team comprises two board-certified neurologists specializing in headache treatment, certified sleep specialists, and physical therapists with expertise in headache and related disorders.

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Oklahoma Headache center takes patients 18 and over.

How Are We Different?

In essence, education is paramount to your recovery. If patients don’t understand the problem, they cannot properly and effectively combat it. Our team is committed to educating you regarding your condition and treatment plan. It is much easier to change your habits and lifestyle when there is a fundamental understanding of why. To that end, your first evaluation will be comprehensive and include significant teaching/education.

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